Friday, April 6, 2012


Why should a seller have their Realtor put a home warranty in place upon listing the property? Depending on the home warranty company, (I like ABC Home & Gas Warranty here is Greater Columbus, OH), all your mechanicals, fixtures, appliances etc... are under warranty, at no cost to a seller and will be repaired with NO DEDUCTIBLE!! Also, at closing, the warranty then converts to cover the buyer for one year from closing. That's a nice incentive to any buyer! Here's another grand thing about ABC... as your listing agent, when we receive a Request to Remedy (R2R) from a buyer, after the home inspection, we can fax the R2R form to ABC and they will complete all the items that are listed on the warranty that need repaired!! I have saved my Seller's thousands of dollars with these policies in place! As a Seller and as your listing Realtor-It's a GOOD THING!! 

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