Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Real Estate Buzz September 2009

Good Looking Third Quarter Real Estate Stats! October 2009


The economic news is finally starting to look better!  We all have our fingers crossed, but it seems the real estate market bottomed the 1st quarter of this year.  Looking at the average sale price per quarter since 2007, you can see how quickly the market dropped and how it may be picking up:


Quarter                       1st                   2nd                  3rd                   4th

    2007                  $165,990           177,966           173,246           166,856

    2008                    154,698           170,186           165,378           148,976

    2009                    137,759           159,796           167,140               ??


Data from the Central Ohio Multiple Listing System (MLS)


The next quarter will be an important piece of the puzzle.  The feds are still keeping interest rates low!  You may get more for your house, and it is still a great time to buy.  If you are thinking about it, now is the time to consider a move.


Don't forget the 1st time home buyer tax credit...$8000 cash in their pocket.  Deadline to close is 11/30/09!!  They will thank you for referring them to us. Real Estate Success, Darla;-)

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