Yesterday was supposed to be my 1st day back but a transformer blew so our office had no network, no electric, no lights, no phones, no computers etc... almost all day long! What I did do was use pencil & paper and called or emailed clients from my smart phone. It reminded me of the "olden days" back in 1988 when I first got my real estate license and you typed a contract with 3 pieces of paper and 2 pieces of carbon paper between! Then we had to DRIVE a contract over to the listing agent's office (Even if the house you were selling was in Worthington but the agent's office was in Pickerington... you drove to Pickerington-it was horrible!!) in a sealed for privacy, over-sized enveloped! We had no fax machines yet so that's what you did. You didn't know anything else.
In today's world I have Seller's I have never met or spoken to! They email me from out of town, mail me the key or have a relative/friend drop a copy off to me. I email them pdf attachments that they sign, initial, date, scan and send back to me! They are FedExed the closing papers that they have to sign in front of a notary and once their signed paperwork is back, the Seller's proceeds are wired to their bank account, with their permission, of course! It's amazing how much my industry has changed and how I've had to change with it! Pretty cool for a pretty techie 50 year old chick!
Real Estate Success, Darla ;-)
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