Friday, November 13, 2009

4 Things You Need To Know About Columbus Real Estate

Hello friends!! Four new things I need to make sure you know about the real estate industry;
1. The $8000 Buyer tax credit has been extended through June 2010!!
2. Any Seller who has lived in their home 5+ years who wants to sell and buy something else is getting a $6500 tax credit through In-contracts by April 2010 and closed by June 2010.
3. The City of Columbus has Federal Grant Money to give away for down payments, closing costs, whatever you need up to 6% of the purchase price of the home you're buying! The Grant is totally forgiven once you live in the home for 5 years!
4. Grants For Grands is a program put out by OHFA where if you buy a home within 18 months of graduating you can get a Grant for 2.5% of the purchase price of the selected home to use on down payment, closing costs etc...
These are just four of the hundreds of financing programs that are currently available to buyers & sellers! Each has it's own rules and regulations which we can wind through together to figure out what program works well for you! Interest Rates are at an all time historical low, "the experts including moi", believes the Columbus housing market HAS hit bottem and is on an upswing and with several of the above programs and reduced interest rates, you can buy more house NOW than ever before!! If you or anyone you know are thinking of selling or buying a home in the next six months; Dial Darla (614-431-1003,, text 395-1516 or FaceBook) Let me help you get ALL the facts so you can make a plan that's in the best financial interest for you and your family!! Let's chat!! Looking forward to hearing from you soon! Real Estate Success, Darla ;-)      
Darla Luebbe, CRS/GRI/ABR
It's A Great Market With The Right Agent! Dial Darla!
Keller Williams Capital Partners Realty
Check me out on

Oh, by the way, if you know anyone looking to Buy or Sell a home, just give me a call with their name and contact info. I promise to provide them with the same great service you have come to know from the Real Estate Aces!  Did you know that 88% of my business comes by word of mouth referrals and repeat customers? I thank you so very much for your continued business, support and constant referrals!

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